Day 1
Squats and deadlifts. For the squats, add 10-15 pounds to last weeks 6x4 workout and drop down to 6 sets of 3. For the deadlifts, add 10-15 pounds to last weeks sets but do 5x5
Day 2
Bench press - warm up and then do 4x10 with 5 more pounds than last week
standing dumbell or barbell press add 5-10 pounds from last week and do 5x5
add Barbell shrugs 4x6
Day 3 -
This is an assistance day or bodybuilding day.
You will do 2x20 of all of these exercises. You can do them in a circuit, or you can do one exercise at a time, but make sure that you move fast (30-45 sec rest between sets) . The weights that you choose should be challenging but not to failure. I want you to feel great when you walk out of the gym.
Db bench press
seated laterals
any type of curls
Push ups
Chins or one arm rows
Cario? 90 minutes total this week. Still not a lot, and just make sure to sweat, don't go crazy
Diet- No carbs after 7 for 3 days this week. And there has to be 3 days where you eat one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.