So I am talking to him and I ask, "So do your dogs go for the arm like I see on TV?"
And he answers, " When you see that, when a dog grabs for an arm, or a leg, an extremity, he is giving himself a way out if the shit goes bad."
And he keeps on explaining. He comes up with a magical phrase.
"Our dogs? Our dogs commit to the fight."
When he said it, I got chills down the back of my neck, and even as I write it, I have them again.
And he says, "Right for the f%c*ing ribcage. And you will have to kill them to get them off of you."
Those dogs are all the way in, in until they die, dedicated to the fight.
Not looking for a way out, not even considering it.
This is it for them , all the training, all the hours and years, their whole damn lives come down for the moment that he gets sent to attack.
So then, I started thinking, PERFECT! All they way in or not? Committed to the Fight or not?
It's a helluva axiom for life, ain't it? For training? For doing it hard as you can or not doing it at all?
Excuses be damned.
You in or not?