Get a Big Bench Program
Try this program :Twice a week benching, based on percentages. 50x5 is 50% of your one rep max for 5 reps. So if your bench is 300, 50% is 150. Easy. Don't do any pressing or triceps on Tuesday or Wednesday. Only do shoulders and triceps on the day that you bench and limit it to 2-3 medium heavy movements. Keep the reps on assistance from 6-10. Good luck!
Monday bench -50x5 60x4 70x2 80 5x2, 60x10
Thursday bench- 50x4 60x4 70 2x3 75 2x2 80 2x2 85 2x1 70x4 60x10
Monday bench-50x4 60x4 70x3 80 5x3 60x12
Thursday bench- 50x4 60x4 70 2x4 75 2x3 80 3x2 85 2x2 75x4 60x12
Monday bench- 50x4 60x4 70x2 80 5x4
Thursday bench- 50x4 60x4 70x4 75x2 80x3 85 2x3 90 4x1 65x10
Monday bench- 50x4 60x4 70x2 80 12x2
Thursday bench- 50x4 60x4 70x2 80x2 85x1 90x1 95 6x1
Monday bench- 50x4 60x4 70x2 80x2 85 3x2
Thursday-MAX- 50x4 60x2 70x2 80x1 85x1 90x1 95x1 100x1 105x1