Keep your wrist straight when curling
Drive with your feet when benching
If you wait until you feel perfect to train you never will
Dont feel guilty about short sessions
Bent over rows make you thick
A controlled descent makes you bigger
Volume makes you stronger
Pressing is underrated
Close grip is better than wide grip
Beef makes you strong
Cardio is essential
You dont need as much food as you think
Db's trump barbells for development(except for legs)
Push through your heels when pressing
Squeeze your glutes when pressing
Get mad at it
You really arent that hungry
Dont get too heavy with bad weight
Stick to it and you will be strong
Look at the teacher's credentials
Get strong first
Foam rolling and stretching may make it worse
Train everyday
Laugh, shake your head and move on
Women make better training partners
Train fast on assistance work
Everyone can be strong, but not everyone has the mind to be strong
After awhile, one should learn on their own
Train for something
Squat and leave